At the forefront of professional development in local governmentfor more than 30 years |
What is the Management Challenge?The Australasian Management Challenge has been at the forefront of professional development in local government in Australia and New Zealand for more than 30 years. The Management Challenge is a simulation-based team building, learning and networking program using real local government themes - the types of issues that a senior management team in a council would most likely face. Teams are challenged to respond to a series of tasks in a unique, fast paced, "pressure cooker" environment. Some tasks may require written responses (such as a council report or recommendation document), whilst others may be more interactive and take the form of role plays or presentations – but the mix will be a surprise for the day! The Management Challenge provides an excellent professional development opportunity to become more effective in leading, thinking, communicating, negotiating, decision-making, analysing and engaging. | 2025 Management ChallengeKey Dates Early Bird Registrations Close - Monday 27 January 2025
ResourcesContact Megan Down Megan Hay |
2024 Management ChallengeREFLECTIONS FROM THE 2024 AUSTRALASIAN MANAGEMENT CHALLENGE We reached out to some participants to hear about their experience. Tom Richardson, City of Marion - Mentor of the CoM-LYMPIANS 2024 Olivia Selfridge, Alexandrina Council - Participant in the Alex in Wonderland Team The introductions were very momentum building as you sit in your seat wondering whose team will they call up next? All the teams performed their introductions, which was quite courageous of us all to get up there and an awesome test to be thrown into first thing in the morning. Each of the tasks are so carefully thought out with such detail to help you SUCCEED and push you outside your comfort zone. The tasks are stimulation based and very real scenarios that your leadership team deal with every day. Lunch time came around so fast, ‘didn’t I just have breakfast?' I asked myself as they brought out the delicious food to fuel all the busy brains. No way! We were already up to the last task of the day; each team presented their pre-challenge task ‘Viable Alternate Sources of Funding’ – how interesting it was hearing about all the differentiating sources each council team came to present! Last but certainly not least (and the part I think everyone was most looking forward to) networking to celebrate everyone’s hard work." Congratulations to the 2024 Champions - City of Tea Tree Gully - Le'Gully' Blonde 2nd Place - City of Mitcham - By Law & Order: Special Mitcham Unit |
See also: Rural Management Challenge The Rural Management Challenge is a sophisticated developmental program that produces outcomes that have relevant, tangible and enduring benefits for your people, your teams and your council. |