Our Annual State Conference is developed to have broad appeal and relevance for the entire sector

2024 Overview 

LG Professionals SA is pleased to present the 2024 Annual State Conference: NEXT GEN, a conference designed to inspire and energise South Australian local government professionals to embrace the changes, opportunities and challenges that the future holds, and use these to support prosperous and thriving communities.

Meeting the complex challenges of the future will require local governments to increase capacity and deliver services in new ways whilst still meeting customer expectations – to do this the workforce will need to evolve to new ways of thinking and working.

This period of rapid change also represents a time of extreme opportunity, and local government is in a unique position to wholeheartedly embrace the future, leading the way for South Australian communities.

Developed by the sector for the sector, this conference program is highly relevant and engaging for local government professionals in all job roles and levels, from metropolitan and regional councils and subsidiaries. Join us at the flagship local government conference for 2024 to learn, develop and network with your sector colleagues.

A special thanks to our Corporate Partners and Sponsors 













Key Dates

The 2024 Annual State Conference was held on Friday 22 March 2024 at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre.

The 2025 Annual State Conference is scheduled to be held on Friday 21 March 2025. Further details will be released closer to this date, 



  Megan Down
  Manager - Events & Partnerships
  e: megan@lgprofessionalssa.org.au
  p: 08 8224 2088 

  Megan Hay
  Events Coordinator
  e: mhay@lgprofessionalssa.org.au
  p: 08 8224 2087


Overview of our 2023 Annual State Conference 'Reaching New Heights'

Thank you to everyone that joined us at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Friday 24 March for our 2023 Annual State Conference: Reaching New Heights. As mentioned by LG Professionals SA President Michael Sedgman in his welcome message to delegates, 'It is no easy task to carve time away from our day-to-day roles to invest in ourselves, but it is so essential for our growth and development, and for that of our sector as a whole.' It was inspiring and heart-warming to see connections between our members being made, renewed and strengthened, and we were reminded that events like these are so much more than just the speakers who take the stage – they provide an essential forum for the reflection, discussions and collaboration which moves our sector forward.

This year’s conference program brought together a combination of uplifting, thought-provoking and educational speakers from both inside and outside the sector to provide delegates with key takeaways and inspire us all to 'Reach New Heights'. We heard a thrilling tale of mountaineering achievements from Andrew Lock OAM that he attributes to passion, perseverance and resilience, and we uncovered the keys to truly inclusive workplaces which we can all contribute to thanks to Sophie Hampel. The midday session was focused on local government: Mark Puncher from Employer Branding Australia talked about the fabulous people in our sector and how to attract and retain them, and then facilitated a panel session which delivered fantastic insights. Huge thanks must go to Kristie Johnson, Matt Pears, Ranveer Singh, Jodie Stevens and Ross Whitfield who spoke authentically about their experiences in local government and did a fantastic job as our panellists.

We were entertained and engaged by a tight battle between Mabel Tam and John Baker, with John narrowly awarded victory for his persuasive arguments in this year’s debate: Does Austerity Breed Innovation? Darren Ruger shone a spotlight on artificial intelligence and how it is currently being used in local government to enhance our communities, and we wrapped up the day with Future Crunch, who wowed us with their knowledge and explained that adaptability is the key to success moving into the future.

The LG Professionals SA corporate partners and event sponsors who attended the day commented that they love coming to the SA conference to connect with our members, and we thank these organisations for their ongoing support of our Association. Thanks must also go to all the speakers and presenters for sharing their time and knowledge with us.

To view the 2023 Annual State Conference Program please click here.

Mailing Address: 148 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000   Phone: 08 8224 2080   Email: admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au

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