Valuing Social Outcomes Project


The Local Government Professionals Australia, SA Community Managers Network led the Valuing Social Outcomes (VSO) project. The comprehensive project involved the development of a tool to assist local government community development / community services practitioners in assessing the impact of the programs they deliver via social value measurement and the expression of this impact in dollar terms.

The VSO Project outputs were finalised in September 2021 and are available on the Local Government Association of South Australia website

VSO Project Outputs:

VSO Research Report
A report by Flinders University – Australian Industrial Transformation Institute (AITI) covering a broad range of best practice social value measurement considerations

VSO Common Outcomes Framework
A framework expressing the shared aims of Community Development / Community Services work as the basis for enabling achievable and affordable social value measurements

VSO Tool
A custom-built Microsoft Excel workbook for use by council staff, based on the VSO Common Outcomes Framework

VSO User Guide
Step-by-step instructions supporting use of the VSO Tool by council staff

VSO Participant Pamphlet
An easy to read handout for participants of programs in which the VSO Tool is being used.

The Flinders University – Australian Industrial Transformation Institute (AITI) was engaged in the research stage of the project to provide a report on the international literature and local context relating to the development of a social impact/value measurement toolkit for South Australian use. AITI was engaged again for the development stage of the project – developing the VSO Framework and VSO Tool.

The Community Managers Network wishes to thank LGA SA for their support of the VSO Project via Research and Development Scheme funding and the Cities of Onkaparinga, Salisbury, Port Adelaide Enfield and Charles Sturt for contributions to the project budget, as well as their role on the VSO Steering Group, complementing the Networks own contributions.

The Network also acknowledges valuable in-kind support via involvement in the VSO Steering Group and other related project activities by its parent body Local Government Professionals Australia, SA, the Rural City of Murray Bridge, City of Tea Tree Gully and the Social Impact Measurement Network of South Australia.

If you are interested to know more about the VSO project and its outputs, please follow the link to the LGA SA website.  available materials including the VSO User Guide. This document will assist you to decide if the Tool is right for you, prepare you for use of the Tool and Provide step by step instructions. It also includes FAQ's and contact information for further support if needed.

The Community Managers Network encourage the use of the VSO Tool and accompanying documents as part of understanding and expressing the impact of programs delivered by community development / community services practitioners in South Australian councils.


Valuing Social Outcomes Tool workshop

If you are interested in future workshops please complete the expression of interest form via the button below: 




p: 08 8224 2080

Mailing Address: 148 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000   Phone: 08 8224 2080   Email:

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