Featured Member Profile - Tracey Alexander

21 Jul 2023 3:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

This month we caught up with Tracey Alexander, Manager Environment and Regulatory Service at Berri Barmera Council about her role, the Executive Leaders Program and the General Managers and Directors Network Forum.

What is your role and what does it involve?

I am the Manager Environment and Regulatory Services, my role incorporates a variety of services including planning, building, property and building management, cemeteries, CWMS network, animal and parking management, fire prevention, camping regulating and limited project management.

You recently attended the General Managers and Directors Network Forum: Your Brand, Your Culture, what was your biggest takeaway from the forum?

I attended the recent Forum via zoom and was very impressed with the presenters. I found the topic of branding very interesting and insightful. From this, I have identified that good branding is an important part of any successful marketing campaign, your product needs to be easily identifiable and show the human side of your business.

The forum also provided valuable perspectives from local and non-local government sectors. 

What would be your advice to others thinking of attending a Network Forum in the future?

Do it! The Forum offers General Managers and Directors the chance to network with peers, listen and learn from experts on a range of topics and build on your own skillset by building on social skills and public speaking.

Earlier this year you participated in the Executive Leaders Program. Why did you decide to register for the program? What were some key takeaways?

I had only been in my first role as Manager for 14 months and was looking to grow my skills and acquire information to help me become a better Manager. The program was highlighted by my CEO as being something he would recommend I pursue.

The program was excellent, delivered by fantastic facilitators and I’d highly recommend it. It has given me the tools to be a more effective and confident leader. Sometimes it’s the small things like check in and check out with staff across the organisation, pausing on the balcony to get a broader view and knowing my chimes and gongs.

The buddy system was great and allowed me to connect with other members. The challenges we all face are similar across both metro and regional councils. I have connected with some amazing peers and the sector is fortunate to have such great leaders.

Any significant projects you / council are currently working on?

Council is still in recovery mode after the flood and will be for several months. As part of this we are assessing the damage caused by water at Lake Bonney in particular the campsites and damage to Cultural Heritage.

Council is also in the process of consulting on design options for the replacement of the Barmera Jetty situated in Lake Bonney.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love spending time with my two beautiful grandchildren, family and friends, I enjoy creating mosaic pieces, spending time in my craft room and gardening.

I also enjoy being part of the community and I am currently the Finance and Administration Coordinator for the Monash CFS and have recently retired from firefighting, I am a Justice of the Peace and the Treasurer of the Riverland Justice of Peace group and help out where I can for the Barmera Pageant.

Mailing Address: 148 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000   Phone: 08 8224 2080   Email: admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au

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