The LG Professionals SA Community Managers Network presents - Valuing Social Outcomes Tool Workshop
This session is now sold out. If you would like to attend a future workshop please express your interest here.
In November 2021, the LG Professionals SA Community Managers Network launched the Valuing Social Outcomes (VSO) project. The project involved the development of a tool to assist local government community development / community services practitioners in assessing the impact of the programs they deliver via social value measurement and the expression of this impact in dollar terms.
The LG Professionals SA Community Managers Network are pleased to invite you to a complimentary interactive workshop, designed to support local government community development and community services practitioners to become confident with use of the Tool.
In this session Mike Brown, VSO Project Leader, and Carla Leversedge, Community Managers Network Chair, will explore the important questions of:
Attendees will take part in a live demonstration of the Tool via use of their own laptop at the session. Please access the VSO Tool and download to your laptop prior to the session.
Download the VSO Tool
Registrations for this event are open to Local Government Professionals Australia, SA members, council employees, employees of regional subsidiaries and Local Government Professionals Australia, SA invited guests.
Please be advised that all visitors attending LG House are required to be vaccinated (first dose) as a condition of entry. This approach to vaccination as a condition of entry aims to strengthen LGA of SA’s preventative measures against COVID-19 and protect staff and communities. If you have an approved medical exemption, you must be able to show this along with a negative COVID-19 result (taken no more than 72 hours prior).
Mailing Address: 148 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Phone: 08 8224 2080 Email: