Join us as we welcome Anna Lee, Heather Barclay, Melissa Kretschmer, Charli Austin and Haylee Campbell as guest speakers for the LG Professionals SA Women's Network Forum: Now You See Me.
This Forum will be held in person and via Zoom on Wednesday 31 May 2023 from
9:45AM - 1:00PM at The Rural City of Murray Bridge.

Building Career Courage
Anna Lee
Hacks for Her
Do you:
- sometimes find yourself playing small, holding back or staying quiet - even when you have something important to contribute?
- spend time and energy worrying about other people's needs, priorities and expectations that you rarely pause to ask, 'what do *I* want and need’?
- find yourself feeling guilty/worried/vulnerable after you've taken bold action, said 'no' or put yourself first for once that you almost wish you hadn't bothered...?
- If you answered yes to any of the above then this session, delivered by Anna Lee, is for you!
Career courage will mean different things at different phases of your career. In this highly interactive session we'll explore:
- what having more career courage would like for you in your life and work right now
- techniques for dialling down self-doubt, making friends with your inner critic and honouring your values, even when it feels hard and scary
- why focusing on building courage can be more valuable to career fulfillment than focusing on building confidence
Anna started her first business 14 years ago, when her firstborn was 6 weeks old. Her mission: to support women to take charge of their lives and careers. Over the next six years she worked with hundreds of women across all levels of organisational hierarchies, from recent graduates to CEOs.
In 2014 Anna joined her brother Diarmid at Leed Consulting, where she began to specialise in working with organisations to cultivate inclusive, resilient leaders and teams. Since then, Anna has worked as an executive coach, leadership facilitator and keynote speaker, partnering with small community organisations through to universities, government and big corporates such as NAB, Santos and AGL.
Anna returned to the women’s development sphere in 2021 with the launch of Hacks for Her, which focuses on equipping women with the career navigation skills required to succeed in the complex professional terrain of the 21st century workplace.

My Story
Heather Barclay
Interim CEO
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
Heather is a Member of LG Professionals SA, the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia and Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management. She holds an Associate Diploma in Surveying, an Advanced Diploma in Project Management and has considerable background with more than 30 years’ experience in local government, in Municipal Engineering and Infrastructure and Asset Management.
Heather is currently interim CEO at The Rural City of Murray Bridge with her substantive role being General Manager Assets and Infrastructure. In this General Manager role Heather is responsible for the management, renewal and maintenance of the natural and built public environment. She is also responsible for delivery of enhancement programs that support the preservation and creation of environments for people, lifestyle and connectedness, delivering on council’s aspiration for “thriving communities”.
Prior to taking on the role of General Manager at The Rural City of Murray Bridge, Heather held Senior and General Management positions across several local governments, including the South Australian Capital City Council, in both inner and outer metropolitan Councils in SA, and in rural and regional Councils in South Australia and Victoria.
Heather’s experience and skills are both broad and technical. She brings sound leadership and experience to The Rural City of Murray Bridge and its affiliated organisations.
Building Confidence Through Opportunities
Join us as we hear from three inspirational women in local government as they share their perspectives on building confidence within their careers.
Meet the Panellists:

Melissa Kretschmer
Director City Services
Port Augusta City Council
Melissa has been working in local government for 14 years, following several years in State Government. As the Director City Services, she has responsibilities across several Corporate and Community functions of Council including Governance, Procurement, WHS, IT, Records, HR, Community Development, Substance Misuse Services and the Library. Over her time in local government she has worked for both metro and regional Councils and progressed from Procurement Officer to Governance Team Leader, all the way through to her current role as Director.
Melissa is an advocate making the most of opportunities presented, gaining new skills and diversifying experience. She is grateful for the opportunities that she has been provided and enjoys motivating her team to upskill and take on new challenges that come their way. In her experience she has seen the benefits of local government, in being able to improve systems and processes that in turn have a positive impact on the community.

Charli Austin
Administration Officer Community Development
The Rural City of Murray Bridge
Charli has worked in local government for the past five years. During this time she has gained experience in various roles across Council including Customer Support Officer, Gallery Officer, Executive Assistant to the General Manager Community Development, Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer and Mayor and is currently serving as the Administration Officer Community Development.
Before joining Council, Charli struggled with self-doubt and lacked confidence in her abilities, however she took on new opportunities, pushing herself outside of her comfort zone, transforming her mindset. She cherishes the fact that local government offers limitless opportunities for personal and professional growth and believes that you can dictate your own success by taking ownership of your own development.
Throughout her career, Charli has been fortunate to work with supportive colleagues who have helped her to grow both professionally and personally. She is always eager to learn from others and contribute her own expertise wherever possible. Ultimately, Charli believes that a positive and collaborative work environment is essential for development and strives to foster that kind of environment wherever she goes.

Haylee Campbell
Administration Officer, Infrastructure and Field Services
Mid Murray Council
Haylee has worked in local government for seven years. During this time, she has held a variety of positions, including Infrastructure Trainee, Customer Service Officer, Community Connection Officer and Acting Community Connection Coordinator (incorporating Libraries and Activity Centres). Her current role is Infrastructure and Field Services Administration Officer, where she was also Acting Maintenance Coordinator during the recent Floods.
Working in a predominantly male dominated field, Haylee has struggled with breaking down gender stereotypes and expectations, but with the support and guidance of her colleagues has gained the confidence and skills required in her work. Haylee is always looking for ways to continue personal and professional development by taking on new opportunities and learning from those around her and believes that everyone should be given the same chance to develop within their workplace, no matter their position.
Informal Networking Lunch: You are invited to attend an informal 'pay your own way' networking lunch at the Bridgeport Hotel after the forum. Please indicate within your registration if you would like to attend. Should you have any questions, please contact Haylie on haylie@lgprofessionalssa.org.au.

Registrations for this forum are open to Local Government Professionals Australia, SA members, council employees, employees of regional subsidiaries and Local Government Professionals Australia, SA invited guests.
By registering for this forum you will be subscribed to the LG Professionals SA mailing list. Should you wish to unsubscribe at any time, please email admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au.