Country Spotlight - Mildy Raveane, Rural City of Murray Bridge

25 Oct 2011 8:21 PM | Anonymous
One of the interesting things about interviewing people in local government is finding out about the incredible diversity of backgrounds we enjoy in this industry.

Mildy Raveane, Manager Customer Relations, Rural City of Murray Bridge, is a perfect example - he brings a wide variety of fresh perspectives to hos role, following a long career in the airline industry.

Hi Mildy - thanks for talking to us this month.

What is your professional background?
Over 30 Years saw the rise and fall of Ansett in the romantic years of air travel to its demise  through which numerous positions were held predominately in The Northern Territory.
My career with the airline commenced in Darwin as a ticketing and reservation officer and then progressed to management roles to include sales and marketing, Golden Wing and to manager central Australia with a heavy focus on customer service sales and marketing.

Following the collapse of Ansett I was seconded to the position of manager Northern Territory Tourism Commission Central Australia, followed by 5 years in the hotel industry again with very roles culminating as the operations and marketing manager for the newly developed Darwin Airport Resort.

With Karen Loy, my partner, we then decided to move to Adelaide to establish our retirement plan whereby I was approached by Tiger Airways to assist in the establishment of its operation in Australia based in Melbourne as the Australian Head of Ground Services and Security, with some involvement in the Asian market.

What council are you currently working at, and how long have you been there?
This is the first involvement that I have had in local government and now  with the Rural City of Murray Bridge for the last 18 month as manager customer relations.

Why did you decide to work for a country council?
As a rural resident I love the space

What do you like most about your role?
Working with the community

How would you describe working for a country council as a career development step?
Challenging but rewarding

Why are you a member of LGMA SA?
Being new to local government the need to keep up with local government trends, networking , training courses that are being offered. The Rural City of Murray Bridge is an employer of choice and recognises the value add of the LGMA program to as part of an employee’s professional and personal growth and promotes the value of learning and ensuring employees have access to the most up to date information.


  • 24 Jan 2012 4:20 PM | Terry Lynch. Port Noarlunga.
    Hi Mildy, I am Terry lynch and work for myself within the wine industry but with the GFC the industry is suffering badly. This has greatly impacted upon my jobs for all my clients and of course shockingly reduced my income.
    I would like to catch up for a coffee-chat at a time that suits you -I have plenty of time currently!
    I have been State Manager for 3 International Company's and had very good successes, not only with sales and gross net profit but particularly with team building and mentoring staff to become State Managers themselves.
    I also have a real passion for integrating our immigrant folk into the local community.
    My involvement with a good number of these people working at the Nursing Home where mum lived for 4+ years prior to her passing, created terrific relationships. Some have been around to meet mates at a barby and are joining us at AFL games to learn about our game. Also just to shake hands and welcome supermarket trolly gathers at shopping centres. I love these intergrtion opportunities I create.
    So Mildy if you would like to catch up at a suitable time for you I am more than pleased and will readily drive up to the 'Bridge'.
    Terry Lynch 0439.899.325 or 08 8186.3470.
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