Each month we will place the spotlight on a country council and/or staff member.
This month, we are speaking with John Brak, CEO, Regional Council of Goyder.
What's your current role?
Chief Executive Officer, Regional Council of Goyder.
How did you get into that role?
I was employed as the Planner for the Regional Council of Goyder and held qualifications and prior experience in Local Government administration.
When the position of CEO became available I applied and the rest, as they say, is history.
What do you like best about the current job?
The challenge of managing a local community service organisation that is owned by, and accountable to the local community.
What advice would you give to someone looking to get into a similar role?
Have the support of your family to work the long hours that are expected of the position of CEO. Maintain and develop your sense of humor.
What’s next for you?
Enjoying the final two years on my employment contract and hopefully re-negotiating a further contract term of employment with Goyder.
Why did you join the LGMA(SA)?
I joined the LGMA (Lower North) Branch but things have been quiet for a while so have moved upward and onwards.
Describe a typical working day.
Arrive at work early before staff and telephones start working so that I can:
• Check diary to reaffirm the day’s program.
• Check emails received and prioritise/delegate responses.
• Check records and customer service requests booked out to me during the previous day and prioritise/delegate responses.
Meet and greet the staff (so that they remember what I look like).
Attend to scheduled and, more often, impromptu meetings with staff, elected members, community members etc.
Stay at work late after staff and telephones stop working so that I can:
• Write meeting notes, correspondence, reports resulting from meetings.
• Check emails received for urgent attention.
• Check diary for the next day’s activities.
Perhaps the above should be re-titled ‘an ideal working day’ as what usually happens is that some issue presents from left field and all the best made plans go west!