What is the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence?
Those equipped with "Emotional Intelligence", or EQ, possess the single biggest predictor of performance in the workplace. If you lead with emotional intelligence, you will identify and manage your own emotions, clearing a path for you to inspire, connect and drive positive outcomes.
LG Professionals SA is pleased to present this one-day, interactive masterclass with guest international facilitator Dr Barry Bales. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of emotional intelligence on a deeper level and with specific strategies for enhancing and managing EQ in their leadership role.
Who should attend? Those in mid or higher-level leadership roles who already have substantial leadership skills and experience
Download the flyer here
Registrations for this event are open to Local Government Professionals Australia, SA members, council employees, employees of regional subsidiaries and Local Government Professionals Australia, SA invited guests.
By registering for this masterclass you will be subscribed to the LG Professionals SA mailing list. Should you wish to unsubscribe at any time, please email admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au
Mailing Address: 148 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Phone: 08 8224 2080 Email: admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au